Monday, December 25, 2006

Peruvian Christmas

Christmas is already over... I spend it with my host family, once we already had the X-mas party at school on friday, with the children. In Peru Christmas is very different from Portugal. On the 24th instead of codfish the peruvians eat turkey and they only eat after mid-night. So it's always a big night. Before start eating, at mid-night, people open the presents. I had 2 t-shirts. One a Inca Kola (the most famous soda drink in Peru) t-shirt and the other saying "La hoja de coca no es droga" - Coca leaf is not drug - with a drawing of the coca leaf. I liked it. This morning for breakfast I had turkey, for lunch turkey...
Even if I was with my host family, yesterday night I could feel somehow a kind of lonlyness and nostalgy. But just thinking how the children and their families were happy in the our X-mas party at the school was already worthy to spend X-mas far from Portugal. I think that just to see their faces that day is already priceless.
I must, once again, thank you all of you who via the blog, via sms or via email wished me merry Christmas. I replied to all of you with the same wishes.


Unknown said...


Tens um email meu. Assim que puderes, responde.


Miguel Moreira said...

Deixa-te de tangas e vem mas é para Portugal trabalhar...isso já são férias a mais....

Deves ter passado um Natal muito triste, a comer à grande e à francesa e a ser paparicado pela tua familia adoptiva! :) E nos próximos meses o herói chegará ao Chile e à Argentina! Vai ser muito complicado resistir às praias da América do Sul....vê lá se usas protector solar!!!!!

um abraço